A while back Phil worked in a real estate office.  This office had plans of hiring someone and so they had been interviewing people.  One day a gorgeous woman walked into the office to interview for the position.  Phil caught a glance of her…his heart skipping a beat and time standing still.  After the interview ended and the gorgeous woman left, Phil when into his boss’s office.  He told his boss (who was also his friend), “You have to hire that woman.  She’s the one.”  And Phil didn’t mean that she was the one for the job, she was the one for him.  He knew it.  Phil’s boss kindly obliged and Gabby got the job.  And that brings us to their wedding day…

Right now I could talk about my favorite center pieces I have ever seen: vintage, antique items from Gabby & Phil’s own home.  I could talk about the most amazing ‘guest book’ I have ever seen: an old door.  I could talk about the coolest Best Man: their bulldog Brutus.  I could talk about the perfect venues that seemed to have been created for Gabby & Phil…but I won’t.  Instead I’m going to focus on the most amazing part of the day.  Gabby & Phil’s love.  One of Phil’s good friends officiated Gabby and Phil’s wedding.  Having someone with such an intimate knowledge and relationship added a level of depth to his words that we have seldom encountered.  Just as Gabby and Phil were preparing to say their vows, Ken used a phrase in describing marriage that I think is very a pro po for Phil and Gabby.  He referred to marriage as the union of two hearts.  As Ian and I stood there and were witnesses to this union I could not help but think, it is not actually a union of two hearts for Phil and Gabby, it is a reunion.  Two parts coming back together to once again be whole.  When two people are so inextricably bound together, there is an electricity in the air.  It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and tears pool at the corner of your eyes.  We had only spoken with Phil and Gabby once prior to their wedding and yet we sat and filmed them as if they were long time friends.  True love is an idea that seems to have only been fashioned for novels and films, but I am here to tell you that it is real, and these two souls have it.

{wedding day details}
Cambria Pines Lodge: ceremony venue
Robin’s Restaurant: reception venue
Molly Watson: photography
Marisa: bride’s dress
Cambria Nursery & Florist: flowers
Q Morrow & Joboom: band
Linn’s Pies: pie
The Woodlands: highlight film song
