Chris and Lauren know how to have fun. A lot of people tend to get nervous the day of their wedding. They sit around anxiously and let the pressure build. They want to get through the ceremony so they can relax and have some fun. Chris didn’t wait till after the ceremony. We arrived at 10am to film him jumping his bike into the lake on the property. With a group of his best friends we watched and filmed as they ramped up their speed heading down the driveway and then up and over the ramp, flying through the air a few feet before ditching the bike and splashing into the water. See what I mean. They know how to have fun.
As they day progressed their fun loving selves did give way to the emotional side as Lauren’s dad came in to see his little girl in her wedding dress for the first time. It’s one of the hidden perks of our jobs to be there for these moments. It was such a delight to see his face light up with pride and awe in his daughter. This particular ceremony had a deeper meaning than usual as both fathers played a large role. For Chris, his father unfortunately passed away less than two months before the wedding in an accident. In a moment that had Ian and I both choked up, Chris wanted to leave a empty seat at the ceremony, reserved for his father who was watching on from above. As for Lauren’s father, he was the officiant and presided over their union. Lauren’s father was eloquent and moving as he helped join Chris and Lauren in matrimony.
Their day was a celebration. A celebration of life and love. Once the ceremony was over Lauren and Chris kicked back and partied the night away with all of their friends. It was hard for us to not put our camera’s down and join in on the dancing.
{wedding day details}
Desert Ridge Ranch: wedding venue
Ryan & Wey: photographers
Allure:bride’s dress
H&M and J.Crew:bridesmaids’ dresses
Katherine Brozowski: florist