Where do I even begin about Jerry & Natasha?! These two people are spectacular people. They have a spectacular relationship. And they have a spectacular love story. (You will see what I mean when you watch the film.) Since Jerry & Natasha were having a red carpet, Hollywood themed wedding extravaganza they wanted to star in their own film as well! They collaborated with us every step of the way to create an amazing film that really got to the heart and soul of their relationship. They premiered this film on a huge screen at the rehearsal dinner that was at the Sony Pictures Lot. Everyone who was invited to the wedding was at the rehearsal dinner, so every guest was able to see how Jerry & Natasha came to be.
I really could go on and on about them and their wedding that was last Saturday, but I won’t. Instead I ask you to make sure you have an uninterrupted 11 minutes to watch their film. Close your door, put on those headphones, grab a box of tissues and watch this. You won’t be sorry. We are so proud of Jerry & Natasha for opening up to us, trusting us, and allowing us to capture their story.
And while you’re at it, don’t you want to watch Jerry & Natasha’s wedding highlight film?